Friday, February 13, 2009

VALENTINE....err actually RAPHEAL's Day

Britain's Roman Catholic Church is advising lovelorn singles to direct their February 14 requests for love to St Raphael, rather than St Valentine.

Ok, so I'm just going to write this to get it off of my chest. Most of you probably don't care what my opinion is, but if you're reading this you're going to get it anyway. I'm sick of people pushing Valentine's Day down my throat. Seriously, taken or single, people freak over this F****** holiday. Those in a relationship (girls that is) sit there and gush to one another about what their guy got them. They flash their new diamonds around, carry roses all over the office, talk about their new lingerie, etc. They use their man's gifts as a way to one up their female pals and consequentially rub it the single girl's face that they have a man and she doesn't. Basically it's a pissing contest for women.

Then you have those single people, both guys and girls (girls tend to be worse thanks to those people who rub in their gifts) who act nonchalant and pissy all day. They proclaim they don't care about Valentine's Day, that it's really "Singles Awareness Day." A day designed to make single people feel sorry for themselves, a day to go get drunk with buddies and tell the other sex (or same, whatever floats your boat) to go to hell. "Who needs a significant other anyway!?" Seriously, you're not fooling anyone. We all know that you're single, lonely and pissed about being so. Yes, i really am, this is the first Valentine in my over ten years of being "valed" that i am totally single, i am mighty pissed!

Probably the person who gets the biggest rip off in the whole Valentine's Day saga is the man in a relationship. I swear that unless he gets his girl a new car, a 10 carat ring, 5 dozen roses, and dinner complete with a bottle of Dom, he's getting screwed. You know that some asshole got his girlfriend something better, and now he's getting bragged to by the girlfriend. "Thanks for the diamond earrings dear. They're….cute. Nike's fiancĂ© got her a 12 carat canary yellow diamond pendant." Face it guys, no matter what, you really can't win.

This is not the worse case scenario, believe it or not. No, worse case is that your girlfriend tells you, "Oh, I don't need anything for Valentine's Day. Just having you is enough. Let's not exchange presents." What ever you do, DON'T BELIEVE HER!!!!! This is a ploy, and I guarantee that she'll show up on Valentine's Day with a little something-something for you (or maybe nothing at all). Either way, you WILL be expected to have something in return for her. The more she emphasizes that she doesn't want something, the MORE SHE DOES. You are just supposed to be smart enough to know this. Her words will probably be "When I say 'Don't get me anything,' it doesn't mean 'Get me nothing!'" And she's not lying guys, you will be in serious sex deprivation for an extended period of time if you don't get her anything. The only reason she's saying that she doesn't want anything is so that she seems less like a greedy freak. And if you screw up, you look like an ass.

Another one of my pet peeves about this holiday is that people will say, "It's so commercialized. There shouldn't be one day where we celebrate love, we should celebrate it every day." Please, are you kidding me? What holiday isn't commercialized? Where the hell did the Easter bunny come from? What does a god damn rabbit have to do with Christ's resurrection? And obviously, where does Santa Clause come in, other than as a way to bribe our children? I think that love is an amazing thing and worthy of celebration. So don't tell me that you refuse to celebrate such a commercialized holiday.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that guys get the crap end of Valentine's Day and girls use it as a way to compare their men to others. Single people use it as an excuse to be bitter and drunk. Honestly, I don't see the big deal over this holiday. Whenever i have been with a boyfriend i really loved, I don't need a dozen roses or a bottle of champagne to tell me that he loves me back. He doesn't need a pair of cheapy boxers to know how I feel. I never felt the need to brag to my fellow female about whatever the BF got me. For me, it was and still is a day to say "Hooray, we still love one another!" And I can think of waaaay more fun ways to demonstrate that than boxers and chocolates. So I'm an quite upset right now..LOL

P.S. To any guy that wants to know-i really do love expensive and well made stuff, i dont think its equal to love though :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Home Alone

So i blog.
at least i try to,
it is becoming therapeutic, and im getting very much into it
My own personal space to Rant and Rave as much as i want to
I am not a writer, neither do i have, even vague aspirations
pardon my prose.

Only today, driving out with a friend, just trying to have some fun about town.
she is a blogger too, a friend of ours says to her, hey C, i read your Blog
I start to think, how would i feel if someone i knew came across this page?
i only just started and i dont know what i would be posting later...
My friend, C, says Oh well, and gives a nervous laugh.

When we are alone again, i ask her how she feels
she tells me, it deoends on the person, and she doesnt really have anything to hide
so whosoever wants to read her blog can read it.
i havent told her i have a blog, no one who knows me, hoping it doesnt change
i really just want this for my self....

My own home, Alone, free to express my self, White, the colour of free.

Other thoughts...

Dont you just like a guy who gets it?

Who understands that you want to be left alone

Who understands that you are not interested, even remotely

A guy who wont waste airtime, trying to convince you

that He is THE ONE

A guy who wont let you waste energy by focusing your eyes or mind on him

Those kinda guys!

God Bless 'Em !!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009



I am so sorry for the neglect, i seriously didnt think blogging would be so hard

and i had to go through a lot of personal changes, i changed my job, i am in a new state for now, i had to drop the married mallam of course, infact, this year is like a breath of fresh air i truly needed.

i promise not to run off without saying why, and to update as much as possible!!!